Thursday, January 29, 2015

An Equation for Life!

" Life is and will even remain an equation incapable of a solution." - Nikola Tesla

Did you know that its been over a half century since Frank Drake developed an equation to estimate the probability of finding intelligent life in our galaxy.

The equation goes like this

N= R*(F1)*n*(F2)*(F3)*(F4)*T


N is the number of civilizations in our galaxy with which we might hope to be able to communicate
R is the average rate of star formation in our galaxy
F1 is the fraction of those stars that have planets
n is the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planets
F2 is the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop life at some point
F3 is the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop intelligent life
F4 is the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space
T is the length of time such civilizations release detectable signals into space

As you are reading this blog, many physicist are trying to upgrade this equation. Yet we do not have an equation to define our lives. So let us try to develop an equation to summarise life. After all I am an engineer and when will I use all those differential and integral calculus I learned at my college.

Lets start.

lets consider ourselves as the variable "L" in a linear equation.

"Nothing is constant, everything changes in life" ie CHANGE is constant.

so the initial equation shall be assumed as

L + c = 0, i have used Zero, as nobody gets out of life, alive.

Life is not that simple as it looks? Something is awfully wrong with my assumptions. We have to live up to the "QUESTIONS!", in other words, "Life set karna hai!" They ask all the irritating questions.....

  • "Did you finish your 10th boards? How much did you get?" - uX
  • "Did you finish your school? which college did you get?"     - vY
  • "Did you finish your college? Did you get a job?"                - wZ
  • "Oh you work there...How much salary do they give you?"  - mP
  • "why aren't you getting married?"                                    - nQ
  • "oh, when are you planning to have kids?"                         - oR

and so on.........ahhh...


There are an infinite no of variables and "L" has to balance out the equation. Its just you v/s the world. We spent half of our life living upto finding the answers to the "QUESTIONS", trying to achieve financial independence and success till we realise, there is nothing much left.

What an irony! Life is very complex!

That's when I felt an eureka moment. Everything fell into its place. And I came out with an inch long equation as follows.


where L is the angular momentum due to the race around the sun, ( L=Iw , where I is moment of inertia and w is the angular speed , its 11th std physics!)

i= sq rt (-1) (Note: Google Complex numbers) and

Fe is Iron in the periodic table, and both of them together makes a complex number in the form of (a+iB=0)

I should be saying something right now..... Oh yeah..... "EUREKA!, EUREKA!"

I don't want to finish my blog in a low note. Read on!

I know Life is difficult and its steps down right on you. Whenever we encounter a circumstance, always change the perspective and ask yourself  "Is there a better way to look at Life?".

Sachin Tendulkar, God of Cricket was only 16 years old when he did his test debut. He was welcomed by Waqar Yonnis with a bouncer. He had a broken nose and blood all over his face. But he stayed at the crease and replied Waqar with 2 boundaries in the next 2 balls.
What would have happened to Sachin if he cried and retired to the pavilion. Maybe we would have never heard his name.

Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest physicists said, we live on a small planet of an average star located within a hundred thousand million galaxies.

Howzzat! For a shift in perspective.

With that information, are your problems that big? Our problems has always been there since the start of time. So if you can do a little more other than these problems and enjoy our mere blips in eternity, then that's called "LIFE!".