Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sadist within us

Lately I had come across a group of school kids at the Bandra Station. They must be sixteen year olds. What caught my attention was the way they were brawling at each other.  I do know that it’s normal to fight with your friends. We used to fight in our teens. The fight was usually about our regular teenage triangle love problems. But in my brief encounter of may be 1-2 mins I must have heard 10 ‘b*tch’s, 20 ‘f*ck’s.  I must have said the F word, same number of times since I knew them.

I was wondering how the world  has changed around me. Or was I getting old?

I have aged, I have to accept that. But the way the world has changed has annoyed me. I have heard somewhere “Child is the father of Man”. If the Child is like this, what will the condition be when they are grown ups?

What has gone wrong here? I think these kids have got carried away or have been programmed themselves, by using those words they prove their dominance over someone or believe they are cool. What they don’t realise is that if I just interpret the same lines to Hindi or any other local language, it would have been the same as a local fish market language! Evolution!

Something is wrong, so wrong!

Yeah , something is wrong with us adults too.  Just like the kids get pleasure by swearing at each other we also find happiness in a very passive way. Most simple example is the newspaper. Most of us feel incomplete in the day if we missed out on reading the newspaper. Reading newspaper or watching the news channel is an unavoidable part of our day to day life.

Everyone says that they are scared to read them, as it’s all about scams, rapes, accidents, terrorism, racism, plane crashes, wars and other horrible things. Everything in the paper is so depressing.

I wondered when was the last time we came across happy news.  I have never read a headline saying “the women are safe in the city”.

Yet we really need these bad news. And the reason is not that we want depression in our lives but we are kind of very mild sadists.  Its like watching a horror movie. We use these terrible happenings as temporary channels for ourselves to be distracted from personnel problems.

Whenever I have a new born baby in my hands, I look at him, I see a lot of innocence, I still can’t imagine how he will grow up in the world we will live in.

Friday, March 27, 2015

" Obnoxious Makeover! "

" Obnoxious Makeover! "

That's the first thing that comes to my mind when I wake up every day. It’s not because I hate my job, I love my job. It’s because I cannot do justice to my job because I have got myself trapped in a thing called "Activity Traps".

Tring! Tring!
God! I hate it when my intercom starts ringing before I start my job.
Boss: “How’s everything going?”
Me: “I am fine, thanks for asking.”
Boss: “I was not asking about you! I was asking about your plant (My boss is talking about the lifeless plant which is sucking my life day-by-day). Is it working fine?”
AHHHHHHHH! I wish I could smack the receiver on his head. But,.....
Me: “Oh! Yes, Sir! Everything is fine.”
Boss: “And...”
Me: “Oh right!, we have received 12 notifications from the production, all 12 of them shall be liquidated by today itself. 100% tool box talk compliance has been done. I have made those reports, I will mail them along with bar charts and pie charts, and here is the total consumption on the seal and overhauling maintenance. Another 25 abnormalities have been reported, however, we have achieved 90% compliance to the TPM abnormality, which is very good. 3 near misses have been reported and 100% compliance to PM & PDM jobs... bla bla bla...”

GRRRRR! I really want to smack the receiver on my head.... This is what I actually do.

"Activity Traps!"

Activity traps are those activities in which we get so involved that we forget its sole purpose, to achieve goals.

Goals and Activity are 2 technical terms used in management language. By carrying out the activities, we achieve the Goals. When we get engrossed in the activity, the activity gets emphasis over the goal. The whole point of the purpose is forgotten.
I think I need to make it simpler.
I will give one of my own real life examples. There is this concept called "JSA- Job Safety Analysis” at my work place, introduced by our management for ensuring safe execution of non-routine and risky jobs. JSA must be done at the job site by all the people involved in the job like myself the executer, my manger & the production plant manager and afterwards it will approved by a  senior person.
I actually don't know what happening now...... it can be a possibility that the management is a fool or wants to be fooled. But people are are so lost now.  They are sitting in front of screen drafting some crap in tabulated A4 sheets and doing the same thing again and again for each activities. And then they run around bosses for their perusal and approval. JSA has become an activity now, they forgot its sole purpose - safe execution of the job. 
Sometimes I believe I have become a Robot, which does not feel, think and have values. Honestly, I sometimes don't feel my brains. If somebody had discovered an instrument to scan what going inside my head, it would have been dark, completely dark. If you are lucky you might see like a windows screen saver in which the window floats freely in the black screen. I have been robbed of my creativity and passion.I may smell like a big bag of couch potatoes. It’s not that way! Let me give another extreme example. This time you will feel what is in my mind. 

Imagine yourself in an airborne flight navigated by an activity trap brainwashed pilot who forgot his purpose was to fly you from point A to point B.Yeah! It’s not a pleasant situation. I know.
So, in this obnoxious made-over corporate world, can you bring fulfillment? Yes, you can . I can still remember my boss once said to me in a humorous way, no offence, huh! "When you are being raped, there's nothing you can do. Try to enjoy the rape." I think what he actually meant was to love the work you are given, love the difference between your and boss's expectations. 
"If i turn my enemy into my friend, has the enemy not automatically slain?"- Lincoln

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Possible Worlds

" What if God was one of us, just a slob like one of us, 
just a stranger on the bus"- Joan Osborne

This is not a religious song. I like this song quite a lot, musically and lyrically. the chorus part, "What if God was one of us, just a slob like one of us, just a stranger on the bus" is somewhat explicit though. With her husky voice and guitar, the part where she sings " God is great, God is good, yeah, yeah, yeah" may appear religious. But actually she is sarcastically asking the listeners to find God in themself.

Yes!  I believe there is God in each and everyone of us. Atleast there is a scope of Playing God by tapping into the 5th dimension. Our world is 4 dimensional world- Length, Breath , Depth and Time as the fourth dimension.

Anyone can be God! Yes! They can be invisible, exercise the power of ghost.

Let me explain with one of my sketches.

I consider sketching remarkable, as it can transform a 3 dimensional thought or image on a 2 dimensional paper surface.

Imagine for a moment, the characters are alive in their 2 dimensional world. Imagine they live their daily lives unaware of the presence of the 3rd dimension.

But if someone, someday, somehow could push himself out from his flatworld just the way i have sketched, then he will become invincible. He will be invisible as light will pass below him. He will become as if he doesn't exist when actually he could see all the happenings below him. He can be God. He can vanish at will, walk through walls. He can resurrect himself out of nowhere by jumping back into his world .

Similarly, a world of the 5th dimension might be there outside ours. It is invisible to us. If we could somehow take ourselves an inch into the world of the unknown dimension we will become hyper-beings, or maybe GOD!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

An Equation for Life!

" Life is and will even remain an equation incapable of a solution." - Nikola Tesla

Did you know that its been over a half century since Frank Drake developed an equation to estimate the probability of finding intelligent life in our galaxy.

The equation goes like this

N= R*(F1)*n*(F2)*(F3)*(F4)*T


N is the number of civilizations in our galaxy with which we might hope to be able to communicate
R is the average rate of star formation in our galaxy
F1 is the fraction of those stars that have planets
n is the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planets
F2 is the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop life at some point
F3 is the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop intelligent life
F4 is the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space
T is the length of time such civilizations release detectable signals into space

As you are reading this blog, many physicist are trying to upgrade this equation. Yet we do not have an equation to define our lives. So let us try to develop an equation to summarise life. After all I am an engineer and when will I use all those differential and integral calculus I learned at my college.

Lets start.

lets consider ourselves as the variable "L" in a linear equation.

"Nothing is constant, everything changes in life" ie CHANGE is constant.

so the initial equation shall be assumed as

L + c = 0, i have used Zero, as nobody gets out of life, alive.

Life is not that simple as it looks? Something is awfully wrong with my assumptions. We have to live up to the "QUESTIONS!", in other words, "Life set karna hai!" They ask all the irritating questions.....

  • "Did you finish your 10th boards? How much did you get?" - uX
  • "Did you finish your school? which college did you get?"     - vY
  • "Did you finish your college? Did you get a job?"                - wZ
  • "Oh you work there...How much salary do they give you?"  - mP
  • "why aren't you getting married?"                                    - nQ
  • "oh, when are you planning to have kids?"                         - oR

and so on.........ahhh...


There are an infinite no of variables and "L" has to balance out the equation. Its just you v/s the world. We spent half of our life living upto finding the answers to the "QUESTIONS", trying to achieve financial independence and success till we realise, there is nothing much left.

What an irony! Life is very complex!

That's when I felt an eureka moment. Everything fell into its place. And I came out with an inch long equation as follows.


where L is the angular momentum due to the race around the sun, ( L=Iw , where I is moment of inertia and w is the angular speed , its 11th std physics!)

i= sq rt (-1) (Note: Google Complex numbers) and

Fe is Iron in the periodic table, and both of them together makes a complex number in the form of (a+iB=0)

I should be saying something right now..... Oh yeah..... "EUREKA!, EUREKA!"

I don't want to finish my blog in a low note. Read on!

I know Life is difficult and its steps down right on you. Whenever we encounter a circumstance, always change the perspective and ask yourself  "Is there a better way to look at Life?".

Sachin Tendulkar, God of Cricket was only 16 years old when he did his test debut. He was welcomed by Waqar Yonnis with a bouncer. He had a broken nose and blood all over his face. But he stayed at the crease and replied Waqar with 2 boundaries in the next 2 balls.
What would have happened to Sachin if he cried and retired to the pavilion. Maybe we would have never heard his name.

Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest physicists said, we live on a small planet of an average star located within a hundred thousand million galaxies.

Howzzat! For a shift in perspective.

With that information, are your problems that big? Our problems has always been there since the start of time. So if you can do a little more other than these problems and enjoy our mere blips in eternity, then that's called "LIFE!".